Cedar Hills Angus Ranch
Where Quality Meets Function.
Here's our Girls
Although the boys often get all the attention, here at True Grit Aussies we really put the emphasis on our girls. They are the real backbone of the operation and they're the ones that really earn their keep. All our girls are working moms and we expect the same things from them that we expect from our boys. Maybe more.
We purchased Charlie as a compliment to Kate and Bear. Charlie is two now and after finally getting the OK from the vet we will restart her on sheep. Her leg may never allow us to move her to cattle but before she injured herself she had no fear and was strong on the heels. As we are finally able to move forward with her I'm excited to see what she'll do. She's wicked smart, quick and agile, and has a no nonsense attitude that should serve her well. She loves to be a family dog and spends her off time playing ball with the kids. Well mostly keep away.
Kate is another dog that was taken from us too soon. She was a cow eater and wanted nothing more than to help us work cattle. She was a great family dog and like rooster was my velcro dog. She was showing great promise as a working dog and future dam to great puppies. From famous parents, the loss of kate was more than we wanted to deal with. Especially with it being on the heels of the loss of Bear. We've never lost dogs before and loss of two was heartbreaking. I miss my little Katenado every day.
JoJo is the newtest member of our family. She is a super put together red female. She is tenacious, smart, trainable and fits right in with the family. She is already showing interest in the stock and keeping her out of harms way has been a real challenge. We can't wait to see how she grows out and earns her place here.
Dottie is now retired. She was our first aussie and to be honest was probably the most spoiled dog we've ever had. She is now 14 and living the easy life of a couch potato. Dottie went everywhere with us, hair and all, and was as devoted to my husband as a dog could be. She's still as active as you could ask and still loves to play Frisbee.