Cedar Hills Angus Ranch
Where Quality Meets Function.
The Full Story
About Charlie
Charlie came to live with us a litter later in her life. She was still a pup but was about 9 months old. She was my pick of a litter from Bob and then life happened. We lost our Kate to a freak accident and I just didn't think I was ready for another dog. 6 months later when we started out to look for another working dog Charlie was still availiable and we are so excited to have her here. It took awhile for Charlie to settle in. You could tell she missed home, and I think dogs know. She knew I was still missing my Kate. However, little by little this little dog has worked her way into our hearts. She is the sweetest little thing unless your a cow. She loves the kids and is always up for a game of ball, or somtimes keep away if the mood strikes her. She is gentle as a kitten and so quiet with the weanling calves but can really get in there and give an old cow a run for her money. Charlie is everything we want to create in a working aussie. She is fierce, loyal, and doesn't take no for an answer with cows. She will never been shown, She shattered a front leg and really isn't supposed to be chasing cows but it's what she was born and bred to do so with some common sense we let her. It seems cruel not to.