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CHAR Revitalized 4517 2201


Revitalized is poised to become one of our herd sires. He is by Colman Charlo out of an own daughter of S A V Blackcap May 4136, the #1 income-producing cow in Angus breed history. 4517 had the #1 205-day weight heifer in the 2019 SAV sale. 4517 is an elite female with world-class udder quality, massive volume, power, and unsurpassed femininity rolled up into one package. We expect really big things from this guy. His maternal side is amazing with 4517 being a full sister to resource and Renown, and with the Resource and Renown daughters being such sought-after producers we are hoping that he will produce heifers that are stylish and smaller framed without giving up pounds or growth. At just 6 months old he already had a presence that couldn't be denied, and in a field full of his counter parts he just stands out. You cannot miss him. He comes to us with a wide front end, a huge deep hip and flank and BIG feet. He drips muscle and looks as a herd sire should. We expect big things from this guy moving forward and we are hoping that he takes our angus program, specifically our cows to the next level. He really something to look forward to. 

Coleman Charlo 0256 X SAV Blackcap may 4517


SAV  Renown 3439 X SAV Emblynette 3568


CHAR Prominence 3568 2101


Prominence is another of our younger bulls that we hope will make an impact here. He is by Renown and out of SAV Emblynette 3568. 3568 is an own daughter of S A V Emblynette 3301, the model cow of the Angus breed. 3301 has generated over $2 million in direct progeny sales. 3568 is a phenotypical standout- very feminine with a picture-perfect udder. Deep-sided and long-bodied, this beautiful brood cow has all the right angles. She is a cow to build a herd around We hope that, with her maternal excellence combined with the maternal excellence of Renown, we will have a bull that will continue to produce the energy efficient cattle was strive for around here. Phenotype isn't always a great indicator of future production, but you'd be hard pressed to find a prettier bull than this calf.  This guy is everything his pedigree says he should be, stout, big footed, clean fronted, and deep in his flank. We hope to cross him on some of our OCC cows and really get to making the type of cattle we strive for. A catastrophic injury left him unable to be the herd sire we hoped. We were able to collect him and his first calves will arrive in 2025

CHAR ICEman  1908 3202


Goose is a big stout calf who came into this world with one of the stoutest set of hips I've ever seen on a calf. He is already big and bold and has a presence that can't be denied. With his mother being our lovely 1908 insight daughter, we look for him to have purpose not only as a herd sire, but possibly as a show calf sire. My son is determined to show this calf as a bull. I think he has the possibility of being successful doing just that, and as stout as he is he could very well sire some very nice angus steers. We will see how he grows out. He is everything we hoped he would be and now to watch him grow into his role. I cannot wait to get photos of him this spring all slicked off and clipped. He is by far one of the fanciest bulls we've ever owned and is going to post the growth numbers to prove it. 

2023 Angus Bull Bushs Wing man 201 X McCrary Minnie 1908


2023 Angus Bull S A V Downpour 8794 X S A V Blackcap May 2554

CHAR Deluge 2554 3794


Deluge is a big powerful Downpour son that we hope follows in his daddy's footsteps. We had hoped for a heifer, but sometimes life gives you what you need not what you want, and this guy is no exception. He is a herd builder and with his mother coming from the powerful Blackcap may family you cannot go wrong. S A V Blackcap May 2554 is a proven SAV donor from the world-famous Blackcap May cow family. 2554 is an own daughter of S A V 707 Rito 9969 and S A V Blackcap May 5530. 5530 is the mother of the highly successful sires Regard, Priority, Brand Name, and the Herbster Angus superstar, Cutting Edge. 2554 has a track record second to none with a weaning ratio of 5@108. She is the #5 ribeye female in the entire SAV herd. A high-weaning and yearling cow with abundant milk and outstanding production ability, 2554 is a no-miss female out of one of the greatest cows to walk the earth.  This guy is going to be a cow maker. He is big boned, while maintaining a very refined head and neck. He has powerful hindquarters and has the growth number to make smashing good steers. As he has matured he has not let us down. I have not pushed him that hard because I don't need to. He will remain here with Revitalized and hopefully make some of the best mothers out there. By his 2 year old year I have zero doubt that he is going to be everything we hoped he would be. He will be used to clean up a small herd of heifers this spring so we should have a small test crop of Deluge babies on the ground in 2025. The future looks bright here with this guy leading the way. 



Owned/Raised/Sold Reference Sires

CHAR X-tra Easy.jpg
CHAR  X-tra Easy 5611 0611

Here's a really refined bull that will really make you some pretty Heifers. He is heifer safe, and in the first two calf crops we've had from him we've had zero issues. They've come easy and vigirous. He has been 100% forage developed and has had to earn his living from day one.  I really really like this bull and we use him as a clean up bull on our registered herd. He's good fronted,  sound and able to get out there move around and get cows bred. He has great length of spine a lot of capacity, and makes the type that will be around for years to come. He's not been pushed and is pictured with his working clothes on. He covered the whole pasture himself and all settled. He's a bull that will get the job done. The more this guy matures the more I like him. He's one that has really come on a proven himself the hard way. 


2020 Bull OCC X-tra Easy 708X X Jauer Lad 1706 5611


OCC X-tra Easy X 1/2 Simmi Cow


OCC  X-tra Easy 089


Brutus is our clean up bull. We are small enough yet that we AI almost everything. However, just because we don't catch on AI doesn't mean we want an inferior product at the end of the summer. Brutus a smaller framed, super easy fleshing bull that has produced strong commercial females that have done well for us. He's big fronted and light on his feet. At 6 years old he's still able to cover heifers as well as cows and is sound as they day he arrived. He never needs extras to maintain his weight and leaves the pasture looking like the day he was put in.  He is good mannered and fertile. He produces smaller calves that get up, get going, and grow. It's not unusual for his calves to outgrow the AI calves born earlier. We're very lucky to have this guy from the heart of OCC's Fleckveih program. 



CHAR EZ Come EZ Go 1908 2301



EZ is a very stylish calf and is going to be our calving ease option for our heifers. He is out of our very impressive Insight daughter and by one of our homegrown X-tra Easy sons. He came small (65 lbs actual weight) and really took off and grew. He has exceptional length and comes in and extremely attractive phenotypical package. He may not have the top bloodlines of some of our above-mentioned bulls, but he ought to produce calves that come easy, grow well and have the front pasture looks to go with it. I was pleasantly surprised when we came off the trailer this fall looking like he did. This calf has been at the donor farm and so He did what he did on a dry lot ration and not a lot of extras. I asked them not to overfeed his mother as she's a bit of an easy keeper. I think this calf, when he matures out a bit, is going to be one to watch. Hes several months younger than his counter parts and he already looks the part. (Better Photos to come)

CHAR X-tra Easy 5611 0611 X Mc Crary Minnie 1908


2023 Angus Bull Musgrave 316 Stunner X Jauer Jupiter 5047 079

CHAR Big Papa  079 3316


Big Papa is a really cool calf out of our very own 079 cow. She has been a staple in our program from the beginning. She is a five-frame cow but pushes the scales at 1800+ lbs. She is efficient and at 13 years old you couldn't pick her out of the crowd. She has a perfect udder even today, she is sound, and she has never required any extras for any reason. The only year she didn't calve for us she spent in at the donor farm. Otherwise, she has caught every year without fail. She is a good mother who raises stout calves. They come smaller and get right up and get to growing. This calf embodies everything we hoped to create with this cross. He is masculine. He is deep bodied and with a touch of stunner in him he has slightly better growth numbers and a little more size and refinement to him. We're excited to watch him grow. 

CHAR Marked  0412 3148


Marked is probably the most powerful bull calf we have ever raised here at CHAR. He is long, he is thick, and he is developing into a powerful sire that could take anyone's program to the next level. He is truly one that we are proud to show off. His dam, SAV Madame Pride 0412 is a Pioneer daughter out of the legendary SAV Madame Pride 0075, who served in the SAV program for 18 years and produced $5.3 million on progeny averaging nearly $35,000. Her famous sons include Registry, Response, Hopper Bottom, Supercharger, and the $1.51 million dollar world-record selling AMERICA. 0412 herself  produced SAV Infusion 4247, who was the $40,000 feature in the 2015 SAV sale and scanned a 365-day ribeye of 19.5 inches. Her daughter, SAV Madame Pride 3304, is the #1 ribeye cow in the SAV herd and serves as a 7th generation embryo donor. This calf stands to be a top producer with his power packed family line. He has been a standout from day one, and this fall he has packed on the pounds like no other. These Photos are taken about 30 days apart. He's one that can add pounds, value, and materal traits to any program. 

2023 Angus Bull S A V Landmark 9148 X S A V Madame Pride 0412

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