Cedar Hills Angus Ranch
Where Quality Meets Function.

I Gotta MIP
This mare has been around for a long time for us. She has produced Futurity money earners and many many using horses that never saw a show pen. Her babies have proven her worth as a broodmare by being level headed, willing to do any task at hand, and easy to train. She's not the fanciest bred mare we own but we owned her mother who was just like her. Her mother was our kids horse and this mare has pack around more kids, adults with no experience, and is my go to for any task requiring a steady mind. She's getting up there in age and we've kept a filly or two out of her to continue the legacy.
Sorrel Mare Super Showcase X Oh Whatsshername

Chestnut mare Zips Blue Dreamer X CF Twenty Two
Zips Blue 22
CB is a cute little chestnut mare that is as tough and gritty as they come. She does not know the meaning of quit. We used her a ton as a ranch horse and she'd go all day without issues. She is a little hotter minded than most of our mares but her tenacity, trainability, and athleticism makes up for it. She was unfortunantly hurt in a pasture accident and so has been retired to our broodmare band. She is as thick as she is tall and her first colt was no different. He will be two next spring and should be proving his worth shortly there after. She is expecting a Dun it in Platnium colt this coming spring in 2022.

2012 Grey Mare Perkster X Miss Sabre Feature
Roger is a really neat made grey mare with some pretty fancy breeding. She is broke to ride, gentle, and as handy as a pocket on a shirt we hope to breed her in 2022 for her first baby. She has proven her worth as a using horse and we are still using her. She has good bone outstanding athletic ability and we are looking forward to some really great babies out of her. I think she will serve as a good duel purpose mare providig substance, brains and speed to make some great can chasers or if bred a little different could make some roping horses that are hard to beat.

Miss Sak Em Feature
Missy is a half sister to the above mare. She is a little older and has been a steady mount for us in all things. She works at the sale barn, will drag calves and is extremely cowy. She is level headed, easy to get along with and will really add some nice body and height to our lineup. She is everything you want in a ranch horse. She had a wonderful bay filly for two years ago and we will breed her back for a 2023 baby. It is still a little undecided who we will breed her to but we have some fun ideas.
2006 Grey Mare JR Sac Em Wood X Miss sabre Feature
Grey Mare Perkster X Miss Sabre Feature

PVF Cartel Is Coming
This is a big stout mare who is bred to run a hole in the wind. at 15.3 she is our biggest mare and she has the bulk to match. She is out of the fastest son of Corona Cartel, Little Corona. Little Corona has an impressive SI of 115. Her Dam is by Rare bar who has a SI of 114 and was a world champion. This mare can flat fly. She is athletic and one of the most trainable horses I've been around in a long time. To top it off she comes in a great bay color. Her first foal a buckskin filly will be started and headed for the barrel horse futurities.
2012 Bay Mare Little Carona X Bar Beat Rhythm